

Studying in Canada is a dream pursued by many students, but the road to study in a foreign country is not always smooth.
During my study abroad career at Laurentian University, I encountered a severe challenge -- I could not graduate on time due to lack of credits.
Faced with this dilemma, I went through the process from anxiety to calm coping, finally found a strategy to solve the problem, and successfully completed my study.
When I just learned the news of the lack of credits, my mood was like being hit by a sudden storm, feeling lost and helpless.
The question was, "Why am I in this situation?"
"What do I tell my family?"
"What is the way forward?"
The combination of anxiety and self-blame caused me to lose my direction for a while.
After experiencing some mood swings, I realized that dwelling on negative emotions doesn't solve the problem.
I began to try to calm down and analyze the causes of the current situation.
Factors such as poor course selection, improper learning methods and poor time management surfaced.
As I delved deeper into my shortcomings, I sought the help of my seniors, mentors, and academic advisors, whose experiences pointed me in the right direction.
The solution is becoming clear.
The first task is to develop a realistic repair plan.
I carefully studied Laurentian University's course schedule and credit requirements and determined the list of courses that I needed to make up.
In order to make efficient use of my time, I gave priority to courses that could both improve the necessary credits and provide practical help to my major.
At the same time, I adjusted my learning strategy and adopted more systematic learning methods, such as forming study groups, attending tutoring classes and using online resources, so as to improve learning efficiency.
Time management has become another area of focus for me.
I made a detailed schedule, arranged my daily study and life reasonably, and ensured that every minute could be used effectively.
Through careful planning, I not only gradually narrowed the credit gap, but also enhanced my ability to solve complex problems, and became more positive and tenacious.
While trying to make up credits, I also deeply realized the importance of communication.
I took the initiative to communicate with professors, ask them for academic questions and seek advice.
These interactions not only solved my academic confusion, but also gave me valuable guidance and support.
In addition, I also participated in various academic activities organized by the school, which broadened my horizon and established a broader interpersonal network.
After a semester of hard work, I finally made up for the lack of credits and returned to the track of successful graduation.
This experience made me realize that in the face of difficulties and setbacks, only by actively responding to them and having the courage to change can crises be turned into opportunities.
I not only regained the confidence to complete my studies, but more importantly, I developed the ability to solve problems in the process, which will be a valuable asset in my life journey.
Looking back on this experience, I feel that every challenge on the road to study abroad is an opportunity to grow.
The dilemma of lack of credits taught me self-reflection, planning and execution, and also made me cherish the hard-won learning opportunities more.
When I finally received my diploma from Laurentian University, the sense of accomplishment and pride came over me, which was the best proof of my perseverance and hard work.
I would like to say to students who are going through similar challenges: don't be afraid of difficulties, face them bravely, and take positive steps to solve them.
Believe in yourself, stick to it, and you can overcome the difficulties and realize your dream of studying abroad.
In the process of studying in Canada, I was faced with the major challenge of not having enough credits to graduate.
Through self-reflection, making remediation plans, optimizing study methods, strict time management and active communication, I finally managed to overcome this difficulty.
This experience not only enabled me to complete my studies, but more importantly, cultivated my ability to solve problems and made me more resilient and confident.
I believe that every international student can find the opportunity to grow in the challenge and realize their dreams.