
全球数学竞赛开奖,20位金、银、铜奖获得者中,有17个中国名字, 其中有6个在美国,3个在德国、法国、加拿大,也就是说,在国外 的“华人面孔”占总数的一半还多。美国网友问,鉴于中国教育强调死记硬背,为什么中国学生在美国数学竞赛中会表现如此出色?我们看看各国网友的回答。

I am a Chinese student. The school encourages us to recite some famous essays, poems and English words. We may also be encouraged to remember historical facts and events, but the same rules obviously do not apply to mathematics or any other natural science education.


Generally speaking, Chinese students' mathematical problems in middle school or high school are more challenging than those in other countries. I do not believe that all these problems can be solved by pure theorem memory. These challenging problems have improved the average level of Chinese students' mathematical problem-solving ability.


The most important reason why Chinese students perform well in international competitions is that they are good at math in middle school or high school, even in primary school, which is a great honor. Therefore, most "smart" students are very active in spending their time on improving their math skills. At the same time, a student who is good at other courses, such as Chinese, English, history, politics, and even sports, has no chance to get the same honor.


Being good at mathematics also means having the opportunity to skip the college entrance examination and enter the most famous university in China. Winning the first prize in the national mathematics competition (ranking the top 40 in a province, among about 100000 to 1 million students) will guarantee admission to top universities. Over the years, this policy has undergone some changes, but being good at mathematics still helps college enrollment.


The problems that students need to solve in such competitions are very challenging. Such competitions also help to select the national team of IMO. At the same time, students who are good at physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and have won awards in similar competitions have the opportunity to be admitted to top universities.


This opportunity to enter a top university without other exams once again encourages "smart" students to concentrate on mathematics or other four courses in high school. In the first two years of high school, they may spend more than half of their time studying a subject. If they do not win the corresponding competition, they can study other courses in the third year.


In order to help students win prizes in math competitions, most of the top high schools (the first or second high schools in major cities in China) have offered math learning courses for students. These courses are usually taught by the best teachers in the school, and even by professors from local universities. In addition to lectures, students majoring in mathematics will often gather together to discuss mathematical problems and solutions. Such discussion has obviously improved students' logical thinking, deepened their understanding of definitions and theorems, and improved their ability to solve problems.


In fact, most of the top students (yes, we rank high school students according to their monthly exam results) choose to participate in at least one competition course. If they don't win any first prize and have to take the college entrance examination, they may feel ashamed.


Of course, I think the most important reason is that because of the large population, we have enough talent in mathematics. They have the ability to solve IMO problems through appropriate learning and training.


Of course, I agree that many Chinese students spend time memorizing theorems, even the past test questions and answers, but I don't think the students who participate in IMO are such students. They may have a good memory, but the difference between them and others is more logical thinking and a good sense of "mathematical thinking".


In short, the main reasons for the excellent performance of Chinese students in IMO are:


• Schools, universities and the whole society encourage "smart" students to learn mathematics (as well as the other four courses in IPhO, IChO, IBO and IOI), even at the expense of other courses.


• Students have enough motivation to learn mathematics, because good mathematics is the highest honor.


• China has many mathematical talents.


I think this is a good question. I spent a little time thinking about it. In short, there has always been a subtle confusion between mathematics and mathematics education, that is, the confusion between repetition and rote memorization.


Of course, rote learning is not conducive to healthy learning. However, repetition is essential for good learning.


Chinese educators have found a way to use repetition without worsening it into rote memorization, while American educators tend to give up most of the value of repetition because they pay too much attention to rote memorization in learning mathematics, and underestimate the value of repetition (because it is confused with rote memorization).


If you are curious, you can find the following references:


Dahlin, B, Watkins, D (2000) The Role of Repetition in the Process of Memory and Understanding: A Comparison of the Viewpoints of Chinese and German Middle School Students in Hong Kong. British Journal of Educational Psychology 70: 65-84


Marton, F, Wen, Q, Wong, KC (2005) "After reading 100 times, the meaning will appear..." The view of Chinese college students on learning time structure has changed. Higher education 49: 291-318


Handa,Yuichi(2012)。 Get rid of repetition from corruption: two versions of papers on will, research on mathematics education, v79 n2 p263-272

Handa,Yuichi(2012)。从腐朽中摆脱重复:关于意志的两种版本的论文,数学教育研究,v79 n2 p263-272

In some areas of mathematics education, repetition and rote memorization are confused to some extent in terms of their teaching purposes and consequences. In this paper, I propose to separate the two based on the framework proposed by Martin Buber's "I you" ontology. When introducing Buber's idea, I emphasized the concept of "the combination of will and elegance", in contrast with the common "will". As I said, the advantage of repetitive teaching is not in automaticity - this is the common theoretical basis - but in cultivating and supporting a deeper sense of connection and/or intimacy with the research object.


Chinese education does not emphasize rote learning, but lacks an environment that encourages creative thinking and social skills. I think this is the root cause you see.


Statistical reasons: more of us study mathematics than the rest of you. We account for almost half of the world's population. We will have "math champions" more often than other "races".


Social reasons: For centuries, our culture has been emphasizing education and learning. Education is more important than owning property, while "white culture" is the opposite.


Social management: Because immigrants are usually "better qualified" immigrants, that is, smarter, richer or with some advantages, immigrants need a lot of courage and motivation, otherwise they can't migrate there at the beginning, especially in China and India, where there is huge demand, and immigration officials can nitpick who is allowed to enter. With the unfair advantages of smarter, richer, more ambitious and better parents (compared with other former or new compatriots), children are more likely to perform well.


By the way, some studies have "proved" that Asians are "smarter" than other "races". They are controversial, to say the least.


According to this study, the IQ range of different races is obviously different. For reference only, this racial classification is the standard of the United States Census.


Personally, there are two reasons why Chinese and Indian immigrants have achieved such excellent academic achievements. This is a non-academic hypothesis


1. If they are ethnic minorities: because they are socially isolated in the community. As new neighbors, they are faced with the challenge of making new friends. If they are not outgoing, this may be a bigger challenge. Most importantly, they are culturally different from others, which exacerbates social isolation. If you don't have friends to play ball games (or video games), you will spend more time studying. The result shows that because you have recorded enough experience.


2. They are forced to meet expectations in society.


First of all, due to the traditional emphasis on education, cultural expectations from their own communities, parents or families. Second, because the wider society expects "Asians" to become model minorities, blacks to become criminals, Latinos to become slaves, and so on... Yes, this is racism, yes, unreasonable, but unfortunately, this is a social expectation. Perhaps you are not very interested in learning: you are "forced" to maintain the lowest feasible academic level (this is me), so that you can meet your expectations. Maybe you are not good at learning: you are forced to smoke and mirror to cover up your learning defects, or you may take part in extracurricular activities or volunteer to make excuses for your poor academic performance.


I think this is mainly due to a choice effect in the process of immigration. Both China and India have large populations (about 1.2 billion in India and about 1.35 billion in China). It is not easy to immigrate to the United States. Those who succeed are often willing to make great efforts to improve not only their own lives, but also their children's lives. At least, most Chinese people I know immigrate mainly for their children and future generations. They are willing to stay away from friends and family, the security of social networks, learn a second language, and endure prejudice and racial prejudice in some cases. Although I dare not say that these are the "best and smartest" of India and China, they are certainly not common goods of any country.


Educational, professional or artistic achievements, or success in business (read: wealth) have greatly improved a person's chances of obtaining immigration status. Among them, education is almost certainly the biggest factor.


In recent decades, a large number of Chinese and Indian immigrants to the United States are for graduate education, usually in the STEM field.


After studying graduate students in the United States (in some cases), these parents will tend to find jobs in technology companies, finance, academic research or other fields, which will not only put them in a socio-economic position, but also geographically close to the upper middle class of the United States, sometimes even further away. These are demographics with high property taxes, which means good (read: competitive) schools. These schools will only emphasize the possibility of certain children participating in math, science and spelling competitions.


To sum up, up to now, Chinese and Indian students are highly represented in the best schools in the United States, because the barriers to immigration and immigration often choose certain types of success from populous Asian countries, and immigrants from these countries will seek to replicate the same advantages they think can be immigration and immigration in their children.


I am quite confident in this respect. But I believe there are more. I don't know much about the teaching tradition in India. I hope someone can describe it in detail here, but I know that in China's educational norms, people attach great importance to rote learning. In fact, since written Chinese only provides some pronunciation clues (different from alphabetic or syllabic language), even basic literacy requires a lot of memory.


Anyway, watching my own children go to primary school in Beijing, I was shocked by the number of memories: multiplication tables, squares and square roots, long lists of prime numbers, and poems with more than 100 lines (yes, they are very short, only three lines, but they did so when they were 4 years old!).


Although I have no statistics in front of me, I clearly remember that studies have shown that the academic advantages of the second-generation immigrant families from the United States, East and South Asian countries, have declined sharply in the following generations, which shows that the really prominent factor here is the influence of immigrant parents.
