

Strategies to solve the lack of credits in Spain and successfully obtain the graduation certificate of the University of La Rioja

On my way to study in Spain, I faced a serious challenge: Toward the end of my studies at the University of La Rioja, I found that I did not have enough credits to meet the graduation requirements.

This discovery left me in a state of anxiety and unease, but the subsequent experience taught me many valuable lessons and ultimately helped me find a way to solve the problem.

When I first learned that I didn't have enough credits, I first did some self-reflection.

I realized that my lack of forward thinking about curriculum planning, combined with my unfamiliarity with the Spanish education system, had contributed to this result.

Faced with the dilemma, I did not choose to give up, but decided to actively seek solutions.

My first step was to talk to an academic advisor.

I explained my situation in detail, and academic advisors carefully reviewed my current course progress and provided professional advice.

Together, we developed a detailed plan, including the number of courses we would need to take each semester and how we would use the summer semester and additional courses to make up for the credits.

I also reached out to friends and upperclassmen I had made while studying in Spain.

Many of them have been through similar challenges and have generously shared their experiences and coping strategies.

Some practical tips include taking advantage of online resources, taking evening classes and negotiating additional study plans with professors.

I also began to study harder, improve class participation, and actively complete assignments and projects.

This not only helped me improve my grades, but also helped me gain recognition and support from my professors.

Some professors were even willing to provide extra tutoring after class, which was very helpful for me to understand complex concepts and improve my grades.

Through the above efforts, I gradually made up for the problem of lack of credits.

Finally, after several semesters of hard work, I successfully completed all the required courses, passed the necessary exams, and accumulated enough credits.

When I received my diploma from the University of La Rioja, I could not express the joy and pride I felt at that moment.

This experience taught me several important life lessons.

I learned the importance of planning and forward thinking, the value of asking for help when things get tough, and the results of persistence and hard work.

These valuable experiences will not only guide me academically, but also be a valuable asset in my future career path and life.

For future students planning to study in Spain, I would like to offer a few suggestions:

1. Get familiar with the credit requirements of the destination university in advance, and communicate with the academic adviser regularly to ensure that the course planning meets the graduation requirements.
1. 提前熟悉目的地大学的学分要求,并与学术顾问定期沟通,确保课程规划符合毕业要求。

2. Don't be afraid to ask for help, whether it's an academic adviser, a friend, or a professor, they're generally willing to help.
2. 不要害怕求助,无论是学术顾问、朋友还是教授,他们一般都愿意提供帮助。

3. Keep a positive attitude, persevere even when you encounter setbacks, and find multiple ways to solve problems.
3. 保持积极的心态,即使遇到挫折也要坚持不懈,寻找解决问题的多种途径。

4. Use all available resources, including summer semesters, online courses, and evening classes, to ensure successful completion of your studies.
4. 利用所有可用资源,包括夏季学期、在线课程和夜校等,以确保顺利完成学业。

In summary, although the lack of credits encountered during the study abroad process was frustrating, through reasonable planning, active help, hard work and perseverance, I finally overcame the difficulties and successfully obtained the graduation certificate from the University of La Rioja.

This experience not only earned me a degree, but also taught me valuable life lessons that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

I hope my story can provide some inspiration and encouragement to others who are also facing challenges on the road of studying abroad.