

When I was studying in the United States, I was faced with a severe challenge: I could not finish my course on time due to the lack of credits.

It was definitely a big shock to me because I had invested so much time and energy into my studies.

However, I did not give up, but decided to find a solution to the problem, and finally succeeded in obtaining a certificate of completion from the University of Mississippi.

In this process, I have accumulated valuable experience and perception, and I hope my experience can provide some inspiration for students who encounter similar problems.

First and foremost, I would like to emphasize the importance of maintaining an active mindset in the face of adversity.

When I learned that I would not be able to finish on time, I did feel frustrated and hopeless.

However, I soon realized that dwelling on negative feelings was not going to solve the problem.

So I began to adjust my mindset and see this setback as an opportunity to learn and grow.

I told myself that if I tried to find a solution, I would overcome this difficulty.

Secondly, asking for help is the key to solving the problem.

Upon learning of my lack of credits, I immediately consulted the academic affairs section of the school to find out how to make up the credit gap.

I was told that I could add credits by taking summer classes, taking extra courses, or transferring grades.

After learning this information, I began to make plans to ensure that I could complete the required credits in the shortest possible time.

Then, I began an intense and full study day.

I took classes during the summer, used my spare time to study on my own, and even had one-on-one tutoring with professors.

In this process, I deeply understand the importance of self-discipline and perseverance.

Every time I feel tired and want to give up, I remind myself that I have come this far and cannot give up.

This persistence allowed me to finish all the courses within the regular time and successfully obtain enough credits.

In addition, I learned how to manage time and resources more effectively.

In order to ensure that I can finish my studies successfully, I have drawn up a specific study plan and allocated my time reasonably to different subjects and activities.

I also learned how to use the library, Internet resources and cooperate with classmates to solve the problems in my study.

These skills not only helped me get through the difficulties, but also helped me gain a lot in my future study and work.

Finally, I would like to say that don't give up easily when faced with difficulties.

Although I encountered the problem of failing credits in the process of studying abroad, I still achieved my goal after unremitting efforts and correct methods.

This experience has reinforced my belief that nothing is impossible as long as we face difficulties bravely and actively seek solutions.

Recalling this experience, I feel that I have not only made progress academically, but also grown mentally and emotionally.

I learned how to remain calm under pressure, how to solve problems effectively, and how to stay committed to my goals.

I trust that these valuable experiences will accompany me through every stage of my life and help me keep moving forward.

To sum up, it was indeed a challenge for me not to finish my studies on time when I was studying in the United States. However, with an active attitude, seeking help, trying my best to learn and managing resources at all times, I finally succeeded in obtaining the certificate of completion from the University of Mississippi.

This experience makes me cherish every opportunity to learn more, and also makes me understand that no matter how big the difficulties are, as long as I have determination and perseverance, I can definitely overcome them.

I hope that my story can inspire those students who have encountered setbacks on the road to study abroad, so that we can bravely face difficulties together and welcome every challenge.