

Studying abroad at the University of Findlay is a challenging and rewarding experience.


When faced with the dilemma of insufficient credits and unable to graduate on time, how to adjust their mentality, make plans and take actions to ensure that they can successfully obtain the graduation certificate has become a problem that many international students must consider.


The life of studying abroad is always accompanied by various unexpected difficulties.


For me, the difficulty of the course, time management problems and personal health problems may lead to insufficient credits, which will affect the normal graduation.


In the face of such challenges, the first thing is self-reflection.


I began to look at my study habits and identify specific areas where I was failing, whether it was due to poor course selection or an uneven allocation of time and energy to each course.


The process was painful, but it helped me see the problem clearly.


Then I made a detailed action plan.


The first was to talk to an academic adviser about all the options available to me, including retaking courses, taking more courses during the summer semester, or even talking to professors about whether there was any additional remedial work that could be done.


I learned that every failed course has an opportunity to remedy it, and that it is important to be proactive in seeking help rather than running away from the problem.


In terms of execution, I prioritize those courses that have the greatest impact on my overall graduation requirements.


This means I have to rearrange my schedule and may need to sacrifice some extracurricular activities to ensure that I have enough time to study.


I also began to use the resources provided by the school, such as the tutoring center and study groups, which were very helpful in improving my learning efficiency.


In order to maintain a positive attitude, I began to exchange ideas with other students who faced similar difficulties, and to support and encourage each other.


In this process, I learned different perspectives and ways to solve problems, and also gained spiritual comfort.


Knowing that I was not alone in these difficulties made me feel that I was not alone.


I also value communication with my family and friends, who are my pillars.


I was honest with them about my difficulties and sought emotional and sometimes financial support from them.


This openness and willingness to ask for help was crucial to getting me out of the situation.


I also realized that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a huge help to study.


This includes eating properly, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly.


Being physically fit improves my learning efficiency and makes me better able to cope with psychological stress.


Through the above strategies and efforts, I gradually solved the problem of insufficient credits, and finally returned to the track of successful graduation.


This experience has taught me that no matter what difficulties I encounter, the most important thing is to have a clear goal, a positive attitude, a firm determination and a feasible action plan.


Through this experience, I have not only made academic progress, but also improved my life skills, learned how to find a way out of adversity and turn challenges into achievements.


As an international student, not graduating on time is a blow, but with the right approach and persistent effort, this temporary setback can be turned into an opportunity for growth and success.


In the process of continuing to pursue my diploma at the University of Findlay in the United States, I have not only learned how to deal with academic challenges, but also learned many skills such as psychological adjustment, time management and resource utilization.


I believe that this experience will have a profound positive impact on my future, both in terms of professional and personal growth.
